– 7-Zip or another application that is capable of extracting.

#How to install mikrotik os from usb update
This example is using the 64bit version of FreeNAS, however the same will apply to the 32bit version, as long as you update the file names in the examples to suit the 32bit file names. You will need a USB memory stick that is 2GB in size or larger. You can simply plug in a USB memory stick with FreeNAS installed to it, configure it to share out one or more of the drives, and access the data from the network.

This can be a handy too if you have a system that has crashed, and you just want to get it back up and running so you can copy files off of it. This ‘how to’ guide will step you through the process of installing FreeNAS 8 to a USB memory stick using a Windows computer.